Gallery mobile shelving systems

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Gallery mobile shelving systems - FOREG 3000 - a superior method of picture storage with applications for picture depots of museums and galleries.

Gallery mobile shelving systems with pull-out walls

Pull-out walls of framed double-sided mesh can be filled with weight borne from the floor or ceiling. Each system provides:

  • Maximum utilization of available areas;
  • Optimal access to each picture;
  • Move only the picture panel you need;
  • View the pictures in the depot without any manipulation;
  • The panels are extremely stable;
  • Superb flexibility in terms of dimensions;
  • The system can be adapted for future extensions;
  • The entire wall surface can be used for fastening;
  • The sliding walls can be pulled out to their full length;
  • Ensure properly preserved, according to the requirements for conservation and restoration of works of art.

FOREG 3000 mobile shelving systems for Galleries:

The version with pull-out walls is equipped with sliders at the top and bottom, ensuring stability even in the most extended position and eliminating any vibration.
Allow the room to have free transport routes.
Proper protection of our heritage.

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We are always at your disposal for any potential questions you may have, do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

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